holidays — Recipes

Prost! Celebrate Oktoberfest with Vundabar Recipes, ShotSkis and More

Tiki taka. Tiki taka. Oy, oy, oy! It’s time to don your lederhosen and celebrate Germany’s most delicious (and debaucherous) event, Oktoberfest! To get you started, we’ve found some of the most amazing German recipes, thematic DIYs, and more. Say "auf wiedersehen" to traditional cuisine and take a culinary journey with us. German Soft Pretzels If you’ve ever been.

Recipes that Snap, Crackle and Pop Like 4th of July Fireworks

The skies on July 4th are alight with colorful explosions and roaring "booms!" If you love the fireworks shows that accompany the 4th of July, try some of these explosive recipes below. Firecracker Hot Dogs These firecrackers are ready to ignite your taste buds with salty savoriness. Baked inside of Crescent Roll pastry dough and.

Leftover Conversation Hearts from Valentine’s Day? These 12 Delightful Recipes Will Put Them to Work.

Valentine’s Day is over, but you probably still have bags and bags of leftover conversation hearts. Don’t let their messages go unsaid! Instead, transform them into the following crafts, recipes, experiments, and body scrubs. Chatty Cocktail You might get a little talkative when you get a few drinks in you, so imagine how loquacious you’ll.

13 Ruby Red Recipes & DIY Crafts for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day and the color red are two peas in a pod. From bright red ribbons, to crimson heart-shaped boxes of bulk chocolates, and more, you’ll be in a sea of this color come February. To make sure you blend in with the amorous holiday, try some of these festive crafts and red recipes for Valentine’s.

13 Heart-Shaped Recipes Just In Time For Valentine’s Day

Our hearts pitter patter for adorable Valentine’s Day treats. Does yours? See if it skips a beat or two when you check out these heart-shaped recipes sweets and savories below! Red Velvet Puffs Red velvet cake is something that makes most peoples’ mouths water. Sandwiched with cream and cut to look super festive, these these heart-shaped recipes.

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